“I Like Me” Cards and “Life is Puzzling” Puzzles

Thank you for digging deeper into getting to know yourself!

You know what, kids? Each and every one of you is like a shining star in the sky, bright and unique in your own way. Just like these magical "I Like Me Cards," you have your own special qualities that make you one-of-a-kind. Maybe you're a fantastic artist, a super-duper friend, or a whiz at solving puzzles. Whatever it is, it's something that makes you special and loved. So, always remember to believe in yourself, just like I believe in you, because you are incredible just the way you are!

Just like the "I Like Me Cards" have different colors and designs, you too have your own special colors and designs that make you extraordinary. You might have a big heart that's full of kindness, or a bright smile that can light up a room. Your laughter, your ideas, and the way you make others feel - all these things make you truly special. So, keep being you, because the world is a better place with you in it. You are a unique, wonderful, and special person.

Puzzles Digging Deeper

Parent’s Resources

Making Mistakes is ok
Anger Catcher
Respect and Dignity

Puzzle Print on Demand - Print cut and discuss!
Getting Mad
Showing Respect

Free Anger Catcher! instructions here

How to Show Respect

Listen to people: Listen when others are speaking and do not interrupt. Everyone’s thoughts and feelings are important. Give others a chance to speak.

Use Polite Words: Saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” when talking to others shows that you value them.

Respect Differences: People are unique and come from different backgrounds. These differences are important and should be honored and explored. 

Value Everyone’s Opinion: Everyone’s opinion matters, even if it’s different from yours. That doesn’t mean their opinion is correct, but it still is as important as yours. 

Respect means being kind and thinking about others’ feelings. Dignity is how valuable each person is, and we should treat them nicely because of that. We need respect and dignity to have good friendships and to be fair to each other. It’s important to treat everyone well.

Getting Mad is OK

Recognize Your Feelings: It’s okay to feel angry. Sometimes our bodies show us we are angry. You know, when your heart beats fast, your body tenses up, and you can’t think right? That’s anger, and it might be there for a good reason.
Take a Break: Count to ten, leave the area go to a quiet space, and calm down. Then come back and talk about it. 
Take Deep Breaths: This will help your body regulate itself. Practice now. Breathe in slowly...breathe out slowly - repeat until you feel better. 
Find something fun to do! Fun helps to release your anger. Playing a sport, drawing, writing, going for a walk or a bike ride.
Everyone feels angry sometimes! Try and understand what others are feeling too. The feeling is normal, our reactions, sometimes are not. 

What to do when I make a mistake

Stay Calm: It's okay to feel a little upset or disappointed but take a deep breath and try to stay calm. Remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

Acknowledge the Mistake: It's important to recognize and admit that you made a mistake. This is the first step towards fixing it. (read more)