Facilitated Discussion
In a facilitated discussion, the facilitator assists the parties to prepare for and engage in a conversation around the issues that are causing conflict. A facilitator will assist each party individually to:
Identify the issues that are at stake;
Clarify specific examples of the behavior to be discussed;
Understand more about their own emotions around and contributions to the issue;
Clarify what is at stake if the issue cannot be resolved
Prepare to have a conversation with the other person about the issues.
A facilitator will then assist the parties in joint session to:
Communicate their concerns in a respectful way
Open to understanding of the other person’s perspective
Identify ways that the conflict might be resolved or at least progressed.
Low-cost fees for Facilitated Discussion are similar to those which MSAC charges for Mediation and Conflict Coaching, based on a sliding income scale ranging from $5 to $50 per 2 to 3-hour session. Why does it cost so little? The object is to make these services readily available for those on limited budgets.
Read more about facilitated discussion here.
For more information about the various services offered by Mediation Services of Adams County, consult call our Help Line at 717-334-7312.