Uniting to Prevent Political Violence (UPPV) is a non-partisan initiative under Urban Rural Action dedicated to reducing political violence by fostering open dialogue, promoting civil discourse, and encouraging community engagement across political, generational, gender, and economic divides.

In Adams and Franklin Counties, UPPV invites everyone, regardless of political affiliation, to join us in endorsing this Declaration against Political Violence. By signing this Declaration, you affirm your commitment to stand with us in condemning all forms of political violence, threats, and intimidation. Together, we can build a community where our differences are resolved through dialogue and mutual respect, creating a safer and more harmonious society for everyone. We urge you to publicly affirm these principles and take an active role in advancing peace and understanding within our communities.

We express our deepest gratitude to the signatories below for being the first to declare, “Not on our watch!” You can join them by signing.

These people have already signed to raise awareness about Political Violence,

Kristi Addleman Ritter
Dory Adams
Leah Badaczewski
Monica Bajaj
Violet Baldwin
Maria Banks
Phil Baugher
Tara Baugher
Yeimi Bautista
Mary Ellen Berwager
Kevin Bonk
Julieta Booz
Jake Boritt
Duane Botterbusch
Max Bramel
Alice Broadway GASD School Board
Cynthia Bucher
C Scott Bucher
Councilperson Chad-Alan Carr
Lisa Clark
Chad Collie
Felicia Collie
William Collinge
Amelia Contreras
Melissa Contreras
Helen Cook
Jeffery Cook
Holly Cookerly
Michael Cookerly
Michael Copper-White
Rev. Pamela Cooper-White
David Cortes
Kathy Culp
Andrew Dalton
Linda Davenport
Susie Delgado
Tom DeLoe
Carolyn DeLoe
Mary Diner
Erin Dingle
Loretta Dostal
C. Cookie Driscoll
Philippe du Bois
Erica Duffy
State Rep Torren Ecker
Jori Egan
Maria Erling
Connie Estep
Congressional Rep Candidate Beth Farnham
Robin Fitzpatrick
Eric Flynn
Emily Fox
James Frazee
Tricia Frazee
Annie Frazee
Janet Gable
Deacon Dr Nancy Gable
Donate Gardner
Terrance Gardner
Laura Geesaman
Keith George
Ann Gilbert
Ron Gilbert
William Gilmartin
Kathleen Glahn
Darren Glass
Cheryl Gochenauer
Thomas Good
Chris Goodacre
Pedro Gregorio
Jean Howard Green
Anya Hanna
Diana Henne
Wesley Heyser
Pam Hinton
Karen Hoff
Cole Hoffen
Laura Hoffen
Elizabeth Hower
Gail Hull
June Hutchison
PA State Rep Rich Irvin
Laura James
Marianne Jolin
Tom Jolin
Buzz Jones
Gail Jones
Ronald Jones
Anthony Johnson
Jerry Johnson
Whitcomb Johnstone
Rob Kauffman
Supervisor Paul Kellet
Bob Kiehl
Nancy Kiehl
Moses Kimotho
Donna Kolaetis
Angelyn Krauss
Chuck Krepley
Anne Bucher Lane
John Latschar
Councilperson Patricia Lawson
Michael Legay
Jakie Lewis
Judy Lewis
Nancy Lilley
James Little
Wendy Logue
Karen Lovins
Roger Lund
Martin Malone
Dr. Charlie Marley
Harriet Marritz
Donald Marritz 
Deborah Masperi
Sue McCleaf Nespeca
Senator Doug Mastriano
Quentin McDowell
Lex McMillan
Jen McNew
Brett Messenger
Mary Miner
Terry Mobley
Matthew Moon
Judy Morley
Carter Morris
State Rep Dan Moul
Al Moyer Gettysburg School Board
Matthew Muller CVSD Director of Safety and Communication
Kathleen Murphy
Elida Murray
Dr. Elana Nashelsky 
Mike Nichols
Kelsie Nye
Meghan O'Brien
Rev. Dr. Martin Otto-Zimman
Susan Paddock
Bill Parker
Karen Pearce
Judy Petersen
Lorraine Phillips
Lyle Pitner
Katie Pizio
Lolly Polvinale
Tracie Potts
Jan Powers
Dorothy Puhl
Edward Puhl
Commissioner Marty Qually
Athar Rafiq
Rukhsana Rahman
Julie Ramsey
Linda Raymond
Leon Reed
Patti Restivo
Janice Rhodes
Kristin Rice
Jim Richardson
Janet Riggs Borough Human Relations Commission 
Jeff Rioux
Doug Robinson
Patti Robinson
Heather Ross
C. Kilburn "Kib" Roulette
Charles Saltzman
Cornelia Saltzman
Alisha Sanders
Rebekah Sanders
Shirley Sanders
Cynthia Sarkes
PA State Rep Paul Schemel
Jennifer Schenning 
Mendy Scholl
State Senate Candidate Cameron Schroy
Cassondra Selby
Charlotte Shaffer ACRC Chair
Jeff Shaara
Stephanie Shaara
Dan Siderio
Jean Siderio
Midge Slicker
District Atty Brian Sinnett
Katrina Sipe
Josephine Sites
Cindy Small
Robert Smith
Angela Sontheimer
John Spangler
Dr. Curtis Spencer
Don Stafford
Donna Stambaugh
Charles Stangor Gettysburg Connection
Lois Starkey
Nancy Starr
Donald Staub
Nancy Stauffer
Dennis Steinauer
Allison Stephens
Jim Strader-Sasser
Charles Strauss
Paul Stokely
Sarah Stokely
Harry Stokes
Sue Tanner
Lynda Taylor
Cynthia Thompson
Rose Thornberry
Laurel Thrasher
Richard Thrasher
Linda M. Toki
Walter Tuchalski
Liz Tully
Mary Kay Turner
Jane Tushingham
Lance Walker
Emily Wass
George Weikert
Sandy Weikert
Marcia Wilson
Pam Wiser
Ann Wofford
Larry Wolf Esq.
Martha Wolf
Lisa Wolkind DVM
Stanley Wolicki
Elizabeth Wood
Bonnie Wright
Bonnie Yelovich
Bruce Yelovich
David Young
Judy Young
Cheryl Zaccagnini